Microsoft 365

10 Office 365 features you need for work

Whether you need suggestions for your PowerPoint presentation, someone to edit your Word document or input a lot of data into Excel, Office 365 has the features to help you with a variety of tasks. So the next time you need some help getting work done, try using these tricks with Office 365.

Microsoft 365

Get Office 365 switch security right

The decision to migrate from an on-site SharePoint system to a cloud-based Office 365 solution isn’t one that most small or medium-sized businesses take lightly. In fact, though the popularity of Office 365 and other cloud-hosted platforms continues to soar, plenty of companies still have legacy SharePoint systems in place for at least part of their operations. But even once you’ve made your mind up that a move is worthwhile, there are plenty of practicalities to consider – not least how you’ll ensure the transition doesn’t expose your network to security vulnerabilities. By covering these essentials, you’ll minimize the chance of security breaches and ensure you can get down to enjoying the benefits of Office 365.

Microsoft 365 Blog

Tips to use Office 365 more productively

A paintbrush can create the Mona Lisa or the Last Supper. An airplane can bring passengers to exotic locations anywhere on the planet. But what do the paintbrush, airplane and stone all have in common? Without the wisdom of the painter or pilot, they are nothing more than tools and materials. Office 365 is no different. Yes, within it is the potential for your business to gain huge productivity gains, but without the proper knowledge to utilize the service correctly, you’ll see small returns. So here is how your business can use Office 365 more productively, to create something beautiful.

Microsoft 365

5 tips for a successful Office 365 migration

Microsoft’s cloud-based Office 365 is a tool that promotes collaboration and productivity in the workplace – that’s just one of the many reasons businesses are adopting this powerful application. But migrating to the platform is not as simple as it might seem. There are many things to keep in mind, and it’s important that you don’t make bad decisions about the migration – since they often can’t be reversed. Here are some useful tips to make your Office 365 migration a successful one.

Microsoft 365

5 Outlook tips to improve productivity

When it comes to the best email management software for businesses, Outlook is among the top tools on the list. But the program contains so many functions, settings, and capabilities that it’s near impossible to master them all in a short time. That’s why many users don’t bother to try out all those buttons and menus in Outlook, when in fact some of them could really come in handy. With that said, we’ve listed some quick Outlook tips that you can implement to save time and work more efficiently.

Microsoft 365 Blog

Inbox zero for all with Outlook’s Clutter

For all the undeniable value that email brings to both personal and business users around the world, there’s something else that can’t be denied: the amount of time we waste dealing with the seemingly endless flow of unwanted and irrelevant messages that land in our inboxes. Even when a message is somehow valuable to us or our business, chances are it’s not something we need to deal with right there and then and disrupt our productive flow in the process. But no matter how many email management hacks we use to try and control email flow, the messages keep on coming. Clutter from Outlook could be the magic solution.