
Productivity Blog IT Strategy and Infrastructure

Using technology to boost staff efficiency

Businesses that are winning in today’s marketplace are the ones that make technology work for them, not the other way round. When used correctly, technology can make every task much faster to execute, from communicating with customers to sending messages, gathering information, and more. So if you’re looking to increase staff efficiency, consider the following methods to implement technology into your day-to-day business operations.

Blog Data Backups & Recovery

How to backup your data

Businesses today are relying on data to run their day-to-day operations. We use it to build client relationships, generate sales reports, develop marketing strategies, and so much more. But if something were to happen to it, a devastating disaster for example, you could risk losing your whole business if you haven’t properly backed up. With that in mind you should take necessary precautions to protect your data in the event of a crisis. Let’s take a look at some devices you can use to keep your information out of harm’s way.

Blog Microsoft 365

Inbox zero for all with Outlook’s Clutter

For all the undeniable value that email brings to both personal and business users around the world, there’s something else that can’t be denied: the amount of time we waste dealing with the seemingly endless flow of unwanted and irrelevant messages that land in our inboxes. Even when a message is somehow valuable to us or our business, chances are it’s not something we need to deal with right there and then and disrupt our productive flow in the process. But no matter how many email management hacks we use to try and control email flow, the messages keep on coming. Clutter from Outlook could be the magic solution.

Blog Data Backups & Recovery

A successful BCP has these attributes

Whether you’re a small business owner or managing a medium-sized company, you must have a business continuity plan (BCP) to safeguard your business against disasters. But developing a BCP that’s capable of putting your company back on its feet fast is equally as important as having one in the first place. Let’s take a look at these crucial features of a successful business continuity plan.

Blog Data Backups & Recovery Data Protection

How to Protect Your Business From Disaster

Think your business is immune to disasters? Think again. Disasters can strike without warning, and when they do, your company stands to lose more than just the time and money you’ll have to spend on data recovery and compensation. You could lose years of hard-earned reputation and trust from loyal clients – the two things that could potentially end your operations altogether.

It’s therefore important to protect your business from disasters before they even happen. When it comes to disaster recovery planning, there are countless actions you can take to minimize damage and risk. Here are a few to help you protect your business from disaster.

Blog Data Protection

Data Warehouses: What You Need to Know

As a small business owner, you’re probably looking into ways to maximize profitability and minimize costs. In order to do that you must make good business decisions, and making sound decisions requires a thorough analysis of all relevant data. That kind of data can be found in a well-designed data warehouse.

Businesses have to deal with large amounts of data everyday, and this is where a data warehouse can help. If you’re wondering what exactly a data warehouse is and how your business can use it, here is some information to get you started.

Blog IT Strategy and Infrastructure

4 Things to Consider Before Selecting an MSP

Incorporating technology into business operations can be a challenge, because technology is always on the move, and many businesses simply can’t keep up. Small businesses often put their faith in a single IT guy to look after their tech needs but, chances are, he won’t have the time or expertise to be able to deal with wide ranging issues.

As a result, many businesses look to Managed Services Providers (MSPs) to provide IT services and handle all IT issues.

Blog Data Protection

Business Continuity Testing Process

Disasters can happen at any time, which is why it’s important for your company to have a business continuity plan. In the event your business gets hit with an unforeseen disaster, you’ll be able to minimize damage, downtime, and impact to your business operations.

If you don’t have a contingency plan to protect valuable data and technology, you may face serious consequences, the worst of which is shutting down your business for good.

IT Strategy and Infrastructure Blog

Avoid these business continuity mistakes

In the event of a disaster, businesses must make sure their servers, data and critical documents are safe and secure. But that’s not all, for it is essential that you ensure the security and peace of mind of your most valuable asset — your employees.

With that in mind, here are five business continuity mistakes to steer clear of in order to ensure your organization will live to tell the tale.

Blog Cybersecurity - Prevention

Improve Internet Security with these 3 Tips

Concerned about internet security? No need to worry. We’re sharing a few simple ways to get increased protection that require only a minimal investment of time.

We’re not just talking about changing your passwords regularly or installing antivirus software. There are a few other methods that are less often talked about – here are three tips to boost your internet security that you might not have thought of yet.