
Cybersecurity - Prevention Blog

4 BYOD security risks you should address

In the 21st century, personal computing is with us wherever we go. This is all thanks to the proliferation of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. These devices allow us to take work home with us. And, with bring your own device (BYOD) strategy, businesses have never been so productive. However, BYOD poses a number of security risks if you’re not careful. What are these problems? How are they caused? Here are some BYOD security risks you should know before implementing it in your business.

Microsoft 365 Blog

Office 365 Groups: your apps under one roof

Nowadays, people have dozens of tabs open in their web browsers to access services that help them with work or catch up on social media. The problem is, it’s easy to lose track of all these opened windows and apps just to get to the information you need. The new update to Office 365 Groups solves that by enabling you to connect to third party applications within the Office 365 Outlook page. So if you want to declutter your taskbar of all those open windows, check out what Office 365 Connectors for Groups has to offer.

IT Strategy and Infrastructure Blog

How to calculate your technology ROI

When purchasing new technology, how often do you consider its return on investment? For many business owners, calculating ROI is a tricky task that is sometimes skipped altogether. It shouldn’t be because if IT isn’t saving you money, it’s costing you. Here’s how you can gain a better understanding of technology ROI and how you can calculate it in your business.

Cybersecurity - Detection and Response Blog

7 Warning signs of malware infection

As companies go to the Internet to conduct their business, their IT security becomes more vulnerable to many hackers and viruses. That’s why it’s even more important to recognize whether or not your systems are under threat from malicious software to swiftly fend off the infection. So how do you know if your company’s IT security is under threat? Here are a few warning signs to tell if you are a victim of malware infection.

Cybersecurity - Detection and Response Blog

Disaster Recovery myths that no longer apply

With technology changing so rapidly, it’s easy to get caught up in outdated beliefs. And when it comes to Disaster Recovery, far too often do we see business owners still clinging to ideas that no longer apply. So, what kind of DR myths are still widely accepted by the masses? Here are three that need to be retired into IT folklore.

Cybersecurity - Prevention Blog

Risks financial firms face

TTP’s stands for threats and tactics, techniques and procedures, the number of which has been gradually increasing since 2015. The financial services sector has long been the target for cyber criminals, where they apply a myriad of techniques ranging from social-engineering to credential-stealing malware. This means the time for security professionals to boost cyber situational awareness has never been more fitting. These are the seven latest threats that have recently surfaced:

Microsoft 365 Blog

Tips to use Office 365 more productively

A paintbrush can create the Mona Lisa or the Last Supper. An airplane can bring passengers to exotic locations anywhere on the planet. But what do the paintbrush, airplane and stone all have in common? Without the wisdom of the painter or pilot, they are nothing more than tools and materials. Office 365 is no different. Yes, within it is the potential for your business to gain huge productivity gains, but without the proper knowledge to utilize the service correctly, you’ll see small returns. So here is how your business can use Office 365 more productively, to create something beautiful.

Cybersecurity - Prevention Blog

Secure your business with these IT policies

Employees are one of your biggest security holes. There is no foolproof prevention method for human error, and this is why employee mistakes are one of the most common causes of a security breach. So what can you do to prevent it? Well at the very least you need to include policies in your employee handbook, and ensure your employee reads through it and signs off on agreeing to abide by them. Having measures in place drastically reduces the chances of a security breach. Here are four areas to keep in mind when developing your own.

Data Backups & Recovery Blog

Can Your Business Survive A Disaster?

Disasters. They do happen — it’s only a matter of ‘when’. While most businesses acknowledge it, surveys show that only one in four companies worldwide have adequate protection in the event of a major disruption. We’re not talking about insurance here, but a Disaster Recovery (DR) plan that could save you thousands of dollars in losses and worse, a business closure. If you haven’t heard much about what DR is, this post will help you gain some insight about what it is and how it can affect the future of your business.

Security Alerts Blog

Chimera ransomware’s scary tactics

The threat of being infected by malicious software is part and parcel of spending time on the internet, and no sooner have the antivirus and security software programs released an update or new patch than cyber criminals are scrambling for ways to circumvent them.